Monday, November 10, 2008

Treat for Brian!

My friend Brian is the truest of all the conservatives in the land. Years from now, when most of us will tell our children with pride that we voted for Obama in 08, Brian will tell any and all who will listen that he was one of the few, the proud, the guy who voted for McCain/Palin, and he would do it again. This video is for him, to get him through these difficult times of Hope and Change.

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are


Brian said...

You have me so figured out. Get. out. of. my. brain. (or stay there, and blog more).

Amy & Toby said...

hahaha. You two are funny.

Toby showed me this video too. It's hilarious.

jessica k said...

this video is sad and funny...and true. oh, onion, how you lift the veil on hip culture

p.s. i should be writing a rough draft, which is due at 4. i have two sentences. yay student loans.

jessica k said...


suggestion for blog: i think you should make your pictures bigger on your blog. is it just me, or are they hard to see? probably just me...