Thursday, July 24, 2008

She Started Last Night

Wednesday night was the first night on stage for the winner of Legally Blonde The Musical: The Search for the Next Elle Woods. Kate hope she does poorly. I hope she does fine. We both think the supporting cast hates her.

And does she look like Carrie Underwood to anyone?

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ok, that is a delightful picture. When are we going to see her? I already told Matt... if she doesnt rock my socks, I'm boo-ing. (or boo-urns-ing.)

Oooooohmigod, ohmigod you guys. I need to be studying right now. Here's a bloggable question: I know that Elle Woods made it through law school with flying colors (because she believed in herself and the bend and snap, etc), but WHEN/HOW did she pass the bar exam??? Those are the secrets to success I need now, Elle. Where are you when I need you.