Tuesday, June 2, 2009

People Magazine Hates K-Hud.

This is the picture that the folks over at People Magazine (and people.com) have used over and over again, anytime they reference a possible romance between A-Rod and K-Hud. Is it me, or is this the worst picture of Kate Hudson EVER? (And the best picture ever of A-Rod... I usually think he looks like an icky, guido/permanent spring breaker.) Could it be that Madonna is controlling the photo editors over at People Mag? Something is up because clearly they have something against Kate Hudson.

(Disclaimer: I realize this may not be totally blog-worthy, but I had to get it out there.)

1 comment:

Brian said...

What? You don't want your chewing gum pics becoming public? You better get to de-tagging on facebook.

(and totally blog-worthy).